Warhammer - Age of Sigmar

Warhammer - Age of Sigmar
After the "End Times" brought about by the forces of chaos, an event that led to the complete destruction of the Warhammer world and the death of most races, the legendary hero Sigmar floated aimlessly through space, clinging to the metallic core of the old world clinging. After a long time he was discovered and rescued by the great sky dragon Dracothion. Dracothion led Sigmar to the "Mortal Realms," eight planes of existence connected by portals called "Realm Gates." These eight realms serve as the new world for Age of Sigmar. Sigmar was given dominion over one of these realms by Dracothion, and souls were drawn to these realms, including survivors from the previous world and newcomers. Sigmar forged alliances with these races and their respective gods when civilization was restored. This growth was short-lived, however, as the forces of Chaos struck again. Led by Archaon, Chaos soon ruled seven of the eight Mortal Kingdoms, sparing only Sigmar's Kingdom of Azyr. The civilizations and alliances Sigmar aspired to were ultimately destroyed by the invasion of Chaos. Angered, Sigmar created the powerful "Stormcast Eternals" and leads them into battle against Chaos.
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