New models - Nippon saga

The well-known designer Iain Lovecraft has done magic again. Historical buildings and miniatures from Japan's Edo period that we can print and offer to you!

It starts with a few farm buildings, a rice depot and of course a Shinto shrine. More buildings and miniatures coming soon! See for yourself!



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T'au Empire: Kroot Lone-spear
Kroot Lone-spears are grizzled mercenaries who range far ahead of their kindreds, or solitary wanderers who prefer the wilds and the company of beasts to their fellow Kroot. Mounted upon colour-shifting Kalamandras, they make for effective long-range scouts – and when armed with suitably potent weapons, Lone-spears excel in picking off valuable enemy targets or even eliminating armoured vehicles.
Our standard price 44,00 EUR
Your price 35,20 EUR
You save 20%
Horizon Zero Dawn - The Board Game

The Horizon Zero Dawn rules in German - translated by us with the permission of Steamforged Games

Our standard price 8,00 EUR
Your price 7,20 EUR
You save 10%